Within the framework of the II International Business Festival on Renewable Energy Sources “Qazaq Green Fest”, the results of Competition of Journalist’s Materials dedicated to the results and prospects of the development of renewable energy sector in Kazakhstan will be summed up.
Materials published in domestic print and online media, published on TV channels in the state, Russian and English languages in the period from March 15, 2023 to May 15, 2023 inclusive, are allowed to participate in the competition.
The competition commission will determine the winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd place) in the 4th nominations:
The competition will be held in the following categories:
– Best publication in print media,
– Best TV story broadcast on TV channel
– Best publication in online media,
– For the best coverage of the topic in preparation for the II International Business Festival on Renewable Energy Sources “Qazaq Green Fest 2023”
The award ceremony will take place at the Festival in Rixos Borovoe on May 25, 2023. The winners will be awarded diplomas and cash prizes.
You can read more about the terms of the competition in the Regulations at:
Applicants can send a completed application form and their works (scanned version of the published article and/or links, video recordings of the material) to the email address: konkurs@qazaqgreenfest.kz, as well as on printed and electronic media at the address: 11 Knyaginina str., Astana, 010000, specifying in the subject “Application for media competition”, by 18:00 on May 16, 2023.

Zhanatas Wind Power Station LLP is a sponsor of the Competition of journalist materials.
It is a foreign-owned company founded by China Power International Holding (CPIH) and Visor.
The Zhanatas Wind Power Plant with 40 wind turbines was commissioned in July 2021. It is located in an area with unique wind potential, with an average wind speed of 7-8m/s.
It is projected to save 109,500t of standard coal and cut emissions of CO₂ by 289,000t, ash by 32,900t, sulfur dioxide (SO₂) by 1,031t, nitrogen oxide (NOx) by 934t, and smoke dust by 32t. It will also contribute to the development of the country’s power industry to provide enough power for domestic needs by 2020.
The generation of electricity from wind is an environmentally friendly renewable energy source. The production process is carried out in such a way that the technology does not pollute the environment. Moreover, the station will produce almost no waste water and disrupt the electromagnetic environment in the district.
The Zhanatas WPP project aims both to modernise Kazakhstan electricity sector and to contribute to the development of renewable energy sources in the country; it gives an impetus to the country’s economic and social development.
For any questions, please contact:
Nadezhda Shayakhmetova, tel.: +7 702 403 72 64 , e-mail: news@qazaqgreen.kz
Timur Shalabayev, tel.: +7 701 286 69 50 , e-mail: t.shalabayev@spaq.kz