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III International Business Festival on renewable energy SOURCES

Dyussenbay Turganov

Deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan

In 1981 graduated from Alma-Ata Power Engineering Institute as an electrical engineer, in 1991 from All-Union Financial-Economic Institute in Moscow with honours degree in economics. Candidate of Technical Sciences.

He began his career in 1981.

1981-1993 – electrician, foreman, head of the electrical repair section, deputy head of the operation shop, chief power engineer of the mine, head of the power supply shop, head of the heat and water supply department, chief power engineer of Karatau JSC.

1993-1994 – General Director of the Karatau City Association of Housing and Communal Services Enterprises.

1994-1997 – deputy head of the Karatau city administration, deputy, first deputy akim of the city of Karatau.

1997-1999 – akim of Sarysu district of Zhambyl region.

1999-2002 – akim of the city of Atyrau. 2002 – President of Caspiystroyservice LLP.

2002-2007 – Vice President of OJSC “Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Management Company” KEGOK.

2007-2010 – Vice Minister of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2010-2011 – Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2011-2012 – First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Samruk-Energo JSC.

2012-2017 – First Deputy Akim of Pavlodar Region.

2017-2021 – Vice President for Production, First Vice President, First Deputy General Director, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Central Asian Electric Power Corporation JSC.

2021-2023 – deputy of the seventh convocation of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Member of the “AMANAT” party.

Since March, 2023 – a deputy of the eighth convocation of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Member of the party “AMANAT”.

Awarded with the orders “Parasat”, “Urmet”, medals “Eren enbegi ushin”, “Kazakhstan tauelsizdigine 25 zhyl”, “Kazakhstan tauelsizdigine 20 zhyl”, “Astananyk 10 zhyldygystan” , “Astana”. Honored Power Engineer of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Power Engineer of the CIS, Honorary Power Engineer of Ukraine. Member of the “National Scientific Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan” President of the RPO “Republican Federation of Sitting Volleyball” (Paravoleyball)